Sunday, December 2, 2012

Dirty Rotten Cheater

That's what I am.

A Cheater.

Let's back it up though, and go into story time
(story Time)

(story time)

(story time)

(imagine whooshing harp noise and a water ripple effect, it will improve the experience.)

Alright, so yesterday was my brother's birthday (happy birthday bro!)

That was a waste, he'll never read this.

So I get home from work, where I behaved on my break (I can get free soda and popcorn if I so desire), and Andrew and his wifey and childrens are home, and they had just ordered pizza.

This is a problem.

You see, much like one would be uncouth to drink in front of a recently sober recovering alcoholic, ordering pizza, and having it in the house in my presence is bad. I'm pretty okay at resisting a lot of foods....

Pizza is NOT one of them.

At this point, I tell myself, "no worries, I'll have 1 slice"


I had 2...... and 1/2.... and then when no one was watching, I snuck another piece into a different room to eat it unnoticed...

I felt like a crack addict stealing from my family to fund my habit, that is the level of guilt and shame that this deed brought me. All tolled, I think I had about 4-5 slices.

Just take a look at this link. Granted, only 2 were ham and pineapple, but the others were meat lovers aka worse. Still, that's like 1,700 calories of pizza. In one sitting.


So, you know. Meh.

it's been really hard getting my eating schedule right with work, because I usually open, but I'm used to having my meal for dinner, but I also need to eat at work. So, it's hard.

Anyway, let's get backl to being positive.

Good things about yesterday:

  1. I worked lobby, so I was up on my feet, and basically walking for 6 straight hours.
  2. I rode 9.3 miles on my bike with Brit, which was approx 1,000 calories burned.
  3. Not technically yesterday, but I rode another 9.3 miles tonight, for 1200 calories burned.
So not all is going badly. Oh, I almost forgot, I'm at 378. I was down to 375 earlier in the week, but I'm not too worried about it.

This week's pic next to the first week.

I really need to focus on getting these shots consistent... Meh.


"The virtue lies in the struggle, not in the prize."
Richard Monckton Milnes

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Double Edged Sword

Hey y'all,

So tomorrow is Thanksgiving and, unlike most Americans, I couldn't care less. Well, that's not true.

Thanksgiving is theeeeeee worst holiday of the year.

Now I know what you're thinking, I'm far too large to not enjoy the biggest food holiday of the year, but it's true. I'm not a big fan of turkey, mashed potatoes and stuffing are nothing special, also don't like sweet potatoes. However, I do enjoy me some pumpkin...everything. And my mom makes great lemon meringue pie.

Also, we always make turkey enchiladas a day or two after turkey day, which is absolutely the greatest part of the holiday. And the 2 days off of school is pretty great.

Anyway, now that I'm off of my tangent, the real reason I started this post:

So you all know that my weight loss was pretty stellar the first week, and then is started to slow down significantly. I think I may have found the culprit...

Sunflower Seeds.

I love me some sunflower seeds, and they are a great way to keep my mouth busy and from snacking on terrible, calorie laden, delicious foods.

However, as usual, I may have overindulged.
And by may have, I mean totally did.

While I was limiting my intake of calories to ~1200 a day, I was taking in about 1,000 extra in sunflower seeds alone...

Sooooooo it's time to portion them out. I mean, they have lots of protein and good fats, but I get a little carried away sometimes.

Anywho, I've been pretty good thus far this week, and I'm going to go for a ride tonight, as well as playing dome ultimate tomorrow to prepare for a little bit of pie :D

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you" will make one.
Elbert Hubbard

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Dieting is rough

It really is hard, especially when the people around you are content to eat whatever they want.

Let me level with you, people: The reason I haven't been posting on this blog is because I'm ashamed. I started out strong, and lost that 10 pounds in the first week, and felt great. Then the weight loss slowed down, and I started cheating more, to the point where between lat week and this, I haven't lost any. I'm still down at 383, which is better than 195, but it's not progress. I'm still drinking the shakes, and being careful during my meals, but the rationalization of "a little bit here won't hurt" is killing me. Snacking is my main enemy, and it wants none of this losing weight.

So, I'm writing this to recenter my focus and get back on track. I'm sure I'm going to continue to stumble, but if I keep being honest with myself, and my support system (aka, whoever reads this blog and is rooting for me. Thanks btw :D) I'll get there.

Goals for the week:

-Get better at sticking to the program

-Ride at least 6 miles on my bike, at least 3 times this week

-Teach myself that falling doesn't mean total failure.

Also, I think a motivational/inspirational quote would be a superb way to round out these blogs, so without further adieu:

"I failed my way to success."
Thomas Edison

Oh, and here is last weeks pic. I'll amend later to include this week's.

Huh, between this pic, and the first picture, I think I do look a bit thinner :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Quick Update

Hey people, I just wanted to throw out a quick update. I've decided I'm only going to be posting pictures once a week on Sundays. After the first week, the weight loss has slowed down, and it's a little demoralizing to weigh myself everyday, and not see much change. Anyway, I'll see you all on Sunday :D


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 1 (well...7 technically)

Before we move on to the pictures, let me warn you.....

You will see some skin. And a dirty mirror. I'm actually really tempted to go clean it, and then retake the picture. I generally draw my sense of self worth from other people's opinion's of me, which is a slight problem, it's also why I love performing...

Anyway, I take these photos shirtless, the idea being that as the weight comes off, it'll be the best way to get the full picture (rimshot) of how my body is changing. SO...without further adieu.....

This is me, on November 4th, 2012 at 385.2 pounds, which is ten pounds lighter than I was a last week when I started this journey. The goal is to shed another 35 by Christmas, so I look a littel less like a young St. nick.

 So, this Right? Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Until Then,

The Motivation Post

So, I've decided to lose some weight. this isn't like the other 10+ times I've tried, this is different. This time, I don't want to lose weight, I have to. I've been a big guy all of my life, but I've never really suffered any of the side effects like high blood pressure, joint pain, constant fatigue. However, lately that has changed. I'm tired all the time, my knees and back have started to ache, and hurt a lot after standing 6+ hours at work.

   That's reason 1, which honestly would not have been enough on it's own. However, I had more motivation. I have heard a rumor, that honestly, probably won't come true, but meh. This rumor is that CGCC may be doing Disney's Beauty and the Beast as their spring musical next semester. If you have ever perused one of my other failed blogs, you'll know Beast is one of my top dream roles.

    Side note: as I went off to find that link, I found the post where I was at 369.2 a year ago. That diet failed miserably, but I don't think I was as motivated.... we'll see where I am next year. Were I a betting men, I would bet it's at least 100 pounds lighter, but we'll see...

   Back on track: Okay, so at the end of B&B, the beast transforms from the Beast into a handsome prince, and while I could currently pull of the Beast, the handsome prince part would not work as well, which is reason number 2 for this diet.

    Alright, now to the point of this blog: I'm sure you've seen those time lapse videos that go viral of a guy that took a picture of his kid everyday for like 20 years, or those 5 friends who took the "same" picture every 5 years for 30 years or something, anyway, that's what I want to do. Take 1 picture everyday and post it here, along with some tidbits of how I'm doing on the diet, my life, whatever. Then after I have (hopefully) lost a bunch of weight, I can make a time lapse video of my journey from 390 to roughly 230. And seeing as I'm at a week, and I've already lost ten pounds, I guess it's time to get started!

Thanks for joining me, I hope you'll stay :)
