Saturday, November 17, 2012

Dieting is rough

It really is hard, especially when the people around you are content to eat whatever they want.

Let me level with you, people: The reason I haven't been posting on this blog is because I'm ashamed. I started out strong, and lost that 10 pounds in the first week, and felt great. Then the weight loss slowed down, and I started cheating more, to the point where between lat week and this, I haven't lost any. I'm still down at 383, which is better than 195, but it's not progress. I'm still drinking the shakes, and being careful during my meals, but the rationalization of "a little bit here won't hurt" is killing me. Snacking is my main enemy, and it wants none of this losing weight.

So, I'm writing this to recenter my focus and get back on track. I'm sure I'm going to continue to stumble, but if I keep being honest with myself, and my support system (aka, whoever reads this blog and is rooting for me. Thanks btw :D) I'll get there.

Goals for the week:

-Get better at sticking to the program

-Ride at least 6 miles on my bike, at least 3 times this week

-Teach myself that falling doesn't mean total failure.

Also, I think a motivational/inspirational quote would be a superb way to round out these blogs, so without further adieu:

"I failed my way to success."
Thomas Edison

Oh, and here is last weeks pic. I'll amend later to include this week's.

Huh, between this pic, and the first picture, I think I do look a bit thinner :)

1 comment:

  1. Great job, picking yourself back up and going again! It is very hard to watch the snacks, great of you to figure out the problem...isn't that supposed to be the first step to solving it?!! I am totally with you about the snacks, last night I finally asked Ron to hide the bag of snack mix (that I bought in a weak moment) as I kept taking just a many handfuls later!!
    You are doing great to get back here posting and figuring out the challenges!
    Rah Rah Rah!!!
