Sunday, December 2, 2012

Dirty Rotten Cheater

That's what I am.

A Cheater.

Let's back it up though, and go into story time
(story Time)

(story time)

(story time)

(imagine whooshing harp noise and a water ripple effect, it will improve the experience.)

Alright, so yesterday was my brother's birthday (happy birthday bro!)

That was a waste, he'll never read this.

So I get home from work, where I behaved on my break (I can get free soda and popcorn if I so desire), and Andrew and his wifey and childrens are home, and they had just ordered pizza.

This is a problem.

You see, much like one would be uncouth to drink in front of a recently sober recovering alcoholic, ordering pizza, and having it in the house in my presence is bad. I'm pretty okay at resisting a lot of foods....

Pizza is NOT one of them.

At this point, I tell myself, "no worries, I'll have 1 slice"


I had 2...... and 1/2.... and then when no one was watching, I snuck another piece into a different room to eat it unnoticed...

I felt like a crack addict stealing from my family to fund my habit, that is the level of guilt and shame that this deed brought me. All tolled, I think I had about 4-5 slices.

Just take a look at this link. Granted, only 2 were ham and pineapple, but the others were meat lovers aka worse. Still, that's like 1,700 calories of pizza. In one sitting.


So, you know. Meh.

it's been really hard getting my eating schedule right with work, because I usually open, but I'm used to having my meal for dinner, but I also need to eat at work. So, it's hard.

Anyway, let's get backl to being positive.

Good things about yesterday:

  1. I worked lobby, so I was up on my feet, and basically walking for 6 straight hours.
  2. I rode 9.3 miles on my bike with Brit, which was approx 1,000 calories burned.
  3. Not technically yesterday, but I rode another 9.3 miles tonight, for 1200 calories burned.
So not all is going badly. Oh, I almost forgot, I'm at 378. I was down to 375 earlier in the week, but I'm not too worried about it.

This week's pic next to the first week.

I really need to focus on getting these shots consistent... Meh.


"The virtue lies in the struggle, not in the prize."
Richard Monckton Milnes

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