Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Motivation Post

So, I've decided to lose some weight. this isn't like the other 10+ times I've tried, this is different. This time, I don't want to lose weight, I have to. I've been a big guy all of my life, but I've never really suffered any of the side effects like high blood pressure, joint pain, constant fatigue. However, lately that has changed. I'm tired all the time, my knees and back have started to ache, and hurt a lot after standing 6+ hours at work.

   That's reason 1, which honestly would not have been enough on it's own. However, I had more motivation. I have heard a rumor, that honestly, probably won't come true, but meh. This rumor is that CGCC may be doing Disney's Beauty and the Beast as their spring musical next semester. If you have ever perused one of my other failed blogs, you'll know Beast is one of my top dream roles.

    Side note: as I went off to find that link, I found the post where I was at 369.2 a year ago. That diet failed miserably, but I don't think I was as motivated.... we'll see where I am next year. Were I a betting men, I would bet it's at least 100 pounds lighter, but we'll see...

   Back on track: Okay, so at the end of B&B, the beast transforms from the Beast into a handsome prince, and while I could currently pull of the Beast, the handsome prince part would not work as well, which is reason number 2 for this diet.

    Alright, now to the point of this blog: I'm sure you've seen those time lapse videos that go viral of a guy that took a picture of his kid everyday for like 20 years, or those 5 friends who took the "same" picture every 5 years for 30 years or something, anyway, that's what I want to do. Take 1 picture everyday and post it here, along with some tidbits of how I'm doing on the diet, my life, whatever. Then after I have (hopefully) lost a bunch of weight, I can make a time lapse video of my journey from 390 to roughly 230. And seeing as I'm at a week, and I've already lost ten pounds, I guess it's time to get started!

Thanks for joining me, I hope you'll stay :)


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